Why wait until 2010 to start your New Year's resolution when you can do it now! 'Tis the season to be merry after all, so come by Metropolis Fitness & Spa and check out the Body Up Collection.
Body Up will have a pop up shop December 21st through January 31st at Metropolis Fitness & Spa 1430 Madruga Avenue, Coral Gables.
We know the holidays are stressful an that is why Body Up is aprtnering with Metropolis to help you de-stress, rejuvenate and look good. Nestled on a sweeping corner in Coral Gables, Metropolis offers all that your heart desires. It is the perfect one stop holiday shop, where you can do some last minute shopping, take a spinning class, drink a smoothie, and get a much needed manicure. Who knew you could do so much under one roof!
For a limited time only take 20% off Body up merchandise, December 21st, 22nd and 23rd.
Happy Holidays,
The Body Up Team