Thursday, June 3, 2010

Let the countdown begin!!!

The official Team Universe countdown has begun. I am six weeks out and counting!! I did a show on May 8th in Atlanta, the Eastern Seaboards. It was a tough line up of beautiful national level girls. There were 11 in my class and I placed 3rd! The judging panel was great and stacked with knowledge and a lot of experience in the sport. So needless to say I feel honored to have been judged and critiqued by them, and blessed to have been rewarded for my hard work. As I mentioned Team U is six weeks away, and the little competitive girl in me is on pins & needles. I can’t wait to hopefully wow the judges with my hard work and dedication not only to the sport but also the healthy lifestyle. I have wonderful trainers that believe in me and a supportive family to give me the extra push I need when my energy gets down. I will be doing four national level shows this year so be sure to stay tuned!

I hope I have inspired someone during this journey to take one step toward a healthier lifestyle.

For more of what’s going on with me visit my site:

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