Wednesday, August 19, 2009


We are on the go in August.

We enjoyed the first half of the month in sunny California at The IDEA Fitness Convention (look at a picture from our booth!)

It was motivating to meet so many personal trainers and we loved especially getting feedback on the performance aspects of our pieces. We are always appreciative to receive input for our upcoming collections!!

If you will be at the Can-Fit-Pro n Toronto this weekend, stop by and meet our team…

If you’re not, please feel free to drop us a line! We’d love to hear your thoughts on fashion, fitness, motivation and of course BODY UP!

Monday, August 17, 2009

We were fit, athletic and wanted to be taken seriously.

Monday August 10, 2009

Several years ago…
while visiting South Florida, I happened upon the Body Up store on Lincoln Road: I walked out with a fabulous pair of black “everything” pants that I’m still in love with.

If you’re a fitness enthusiast, like me, you wore Flashdance-style sweatshirts and legwarmers in the ‘80’s and coveted dancewear brands such as Flexitard and Dance France. You loved aerobic dance, and it showed.

By the early 1990’s we had moved our memberships from dance-exercise studios to one-stop-shop gyms and traded our lycra for comfort and practicality. We were younger and older, rural and city, large and small. More importantly, we were fit, athletic and wanted to be taken seriously.

If you are a Body Electric “friend,” and have followed my lead on any number of PBS stations across the U.S (since 1984), you know that I’m a fanatic about correct form. My attention to detail also carries over to music, set and dancewear. I have produced 20 series of 26 shows…more than 520 shows in all…so, you can imagine how thrilled I was to discover Body Up with exercise-wear that merged high performance with high style. (The current “1900” series of Body Electric programs features clothing by Body Up.)
Fast forward to August, 2009…

I recently met with the Body Up crew at the Lincoln Road store to explore ways to cross-promote our shared goals” to motivate and empower our customers. (See the picture of my recent meeting with the ladies of Body Up.) Personally, I am continually striving to redefine my Body Electric brand so that it remains effective, authentic and relevant. It’s based not on one’s age, amount of body fat or fitness level. Rather, it speaks of grace, strength and vitality. My relationship with Body Up continues to be a perfect fit.

Best of health,

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Body Up Yoga on the Beach

Due to tremendous turnout of our introductory event, Body Up Yoga on the Beach will now be offered

Every Thursday from 6:30pm to 7:30pm
16th and Ocean Drive

Body Up Beach Yoga is a unique experience open to all levels of practitioner – just bring a large towel/blanket, water, sunscreen, and an open heart! Suggested Donation of $5.

Refreshments at Body Up store at 704 Lincoln Road to follow.

Sounds Good? Come and practice with us!

See below some pictures from our first event!